homemade dog food with beef

Homemade Dog Food with Beef: High-Protein, Grain-Free Recipe. Web  Directions Prepare your ingredients: peel and chop sweet potatoes into 1” pieces, peel and dice carrot. Preheat a small pot to medium-high heat and add coconut oil. Add ground beef to pot and saute until it’s no longer pink. Toss in sweet potatoes and carrots, then add enough water to cover. Bring.

Homemade Dog Food with Beef: High-Protein, Grain-Free Recipe
Homemade Dog Food with Beef: High-Protein, Grain-Free Recipe from www.caninenutritionist.co.uk

Web  8-ounces lean ground beef 3-ounces liver (chopped) 4 cups brown rice (uncooked) 2 eggs (beaten) 1/2 cup carrots 1/2 cup green beans 1 cup peas 9 cups water 1/2 cup rolled oats 2 tsp. dried parsley 1/2 cup milk 3 tbsp. olive oil

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